
Married to Abyss - Since Time Began

Creator of: Infinite UniversesThe Others:
Abyss (Husband)
The Final Boy
The Shopkeeper
The One Who Creates
The Hero

Divinekin Flag

My name is Balihelm, I created the universe and the stars. What came after happened on it's own.

Divine Relationship hoarder

˚        ✦  🪐    .    .    ˚  .         🌀   . ✦         ˚         .
🚀    .       ˚         *         ✦      .    .      ✦  ˚   ☄️        ˚🌒  .˚        ✦      .    .    ˚  .                🌀       ✦    .

To My Abyss:

When we see each other again, hold me like you'll lose me this time.

Husband Section
